Harbour News

Prince of Wales Pier Update

Since the last update in October, we had a very useful meeting with the Environment Agency who are looking into whether they can contribute towards the cost of repairs to the Pier. A reminder that we need to raise £900,000 to do this. Their initial view was it would be difficult due to the amount of money already spent on the Harbour Gate, but they will review their calculations for the gate and assess the issues of the Pier against their funding criteria.

South West Water have advised us that they do not consider themselves responsible for any investment in the Pier. We’ve written to them giving details of the repair works associated with the bulge adjacent to their manhole with the associated costs. We’ve asked them to reconsider their position and contribute their share of the costs. They are currently looking into ways they may be able to help.

It’s clear to the Trustees that we will need to raise the money from different sources. From our contact with Sheryl Murray MP, we’ve been directed to two possible sources of Grant Funding and will submit the initial information by the end of January. We also want to investigate other sources of Grant Funding (E.g., Lottery). We’ve also been proactive in setting up our own go fund me page for direct fundraising, we welcome your donations at: https://gofund.me/9908f84f We are grateful to Karena and Mike from the Plantation Café who raised £100 from a quiz before Christmas.

If anyone has experience of Grant Applications / Fundraising or simply an appetite to get involved, we would very much appreciate the help. Please talk to a Trustee, email us at; polperroharbour@outlook.com or call into the Harbour Office on a Monday morning.

In the meantime, the Civil Engineer has checked the various cracks in the Pier and reported some movement but currently we continue to use the Pier. We are grateful for the supportive comments from the October update and welcome your suggestions and help.

PHT Trustees

More Stories from the Harbour

Harbour News

More than 50 locals gathered for the annual Mike Pengelly Memorial Darts Tournament, honoring the former PHT chairman who passed away in 2022. The event was a fantastic tribute, bringing people together to raise a glass in his memory.

We’re excited to offer a retail unit for rent at Polperro Harbour, available from the beginning of April 2025.

This year’s AGM will be held at The Rowett Institute (Opposite Bean and Scone) on Saturday 9th November 2024 commencing 10.30am. All are welcome.